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WITHIN CANADA FREE shipping on all orders over $150 before taxes. 

For all orders under $150, shipping will be calculated at checkout. Parpar ships to Canada and the US. To put your mind at ease, we provide all packages with a tracking number.

Once your order has been shipped, you will receive an email and or sms update with shipping details along with the associated tracking number.

Duties and Taxes


Sales taxes will be charged at the applicable federal and provincial rates of the province to which the order is being shipped. You will not be subject to any duties upon delivery.

United States

By placing an order with Parpar, you acknowledge that this sale occurs outside the United States, and that you are importing your order for non-commercial (personal) use. You also acknowledge that you will be listed as the importer for US Customs and Border Protection purposes and that your order will be imported into the United States in accordance with the necessary customs requirements. If any duties are required, the customer will be charged then as well.

Delivery Times

Please allow us up to 2 business days to process your order.